A word to my fans on the occasion of Christmas
There is no greater lie than the end of the year and the expectation of a new year. No year comes more beautiful than a year. we are the ones who become more attractive or uglier, we are the ones who change our days.
Our feelings are changed by the winds of reality, love, farewell, reunion, and longing. We are the ones who choose to make a new deal with the days, years do not close with pain nor guarantee you happiness.
The days wait for you to believe in your ability to change and to understand that no one stays for anyone. Time does not filter the people around us, we are the ones who filter them and treat them fairly.
We are the ones who change, we change time, and we change the days. The year has not ended yet, but we can choose the date we want to start anything… and celebrate our own beginning that no one can stop.
I love you all and towards options for better days. ♥