Point of view
Let me start from the end and say: that I succeeded in staying alive not because I have the exact qualities for survival, but because the difficult circumstances I went through forced me into a way of life I never expected to be in. Due to the intensity of the hard circumstances that surprised me, I used to smile, and when things became harsher, I started to laugh. Over time and with the continuing pressure, the situation turned into a rule that says,’ Mock life before it mocks you.’
This does not mean that I have become a clown wearing a colorful cap with bells, not at all, it just means that the subject has become more entertaining as I can no longer stand formal atmospheres, ties, empty pleasantries, or even meetings whose purpose is for the manager to say ‘here I am’.
Above all, this rule has given me a kind of fame and popularity. Believe me, it is a wonderful rule when you truly believe in the saying ‘mock life before it mocks you.’ People will pay attention to you because you do not resemble the monotonous lifestyle, and you will not be a repetitive personality among the attendees. And since I am a humble person, I will give you the secret of this rule if you want to be special.
Simply, I say (( try to be unexpected )) by providing answers that differ from all expectations. For example, someone asked me if I had visited any small countries, and I answered yes. Then he asked, with more curiosity, which country? I said India, then everyone laughed immediately. Or perhaps someone will ask you about your favorite color, and you can tell, I don’t like gray or black, But I like curvy women. The answer will be surprising and intriguing, prompting another question: why curvy women? You would reply, their cheeks are rosy, and that is my favorite color.
Honestly, I love all women, whether they are full-figured, thin, or athletic. This is the biggest proof that I hate routine and repetition. So, after reading this article, try leaving a comment, and be sure that I will not respond to it ☺.