
Aug 27, 2024


Photo by Johannes Roth on Unsplash


I am a simple poet.

I haven’t often appeared on stages

I haven’t participated in competitions

nor have I been invited to festivals.

I don’t seek the critics

for there’s nothing significant to offer.

All I wish to express

is written here in the form of verses.

I won’t place a hat on my head

or carry a leather bag on my shoulder

or hold a book I haven’t read.

I neither distort the language nor bend it.

I wander through a city

that doesn’t know me

growing on its sidewalks like a white ghost.

I am a simple poet

capturing various images

encountering different people

falling for many women

and I share my secrets with one.

I may never reveal her name to anyone

but I keep her picture alongside my card

as an identity for a

simple poet.




Written by Otba

Writer, poet, translator, member of international literary associations and activist

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