Most of us suffer from headaches either continuously at times or intermittently at other times, and this is due to various reasons, some of which are medical and some may be a result of psychological stress and fatigue. I am not here to discuss the causes but rather how to deal with headaches immediately and when they strike unexpectedly.
While there are many medications and painkillers available, we do not know their side effects on our bodies or health. Therefore, in this article, I offer you natural and accessible solutions for anyone to treat headache episodes wherever they may occur, whether at home, school, or a party. I hope these solutions are suitable for you, so try them and leave the results in the comments.
Cold compresses
Help in treating headaches, specifically (migraine), by placing the cold compress on the forehead or cheeks, depending on the source of pain for 10–15 minutes, then removing it for the same duration and reapplying it as needed. These compresses can be prepared by wrapping a bag of frozen vegetables or ice cubes in a towel, and alternatively, taking a cold bath can also be helpful.
Massage helps relax tense and tight muscles, which are among the main causes of headaches when they occur in the upper part of the body. When those muscles relax, the headache may decrease or disappear quickly, and it is noted that practicing relaxation techniques and deep breathing achieve the same goal.
Stop chewing and biting.
This advice not only means to stop chewing food but also refraining from biting other objects, especially pens, nails, and even lips.
Drinking fluids
As dehydration can cause or worsen headaches.
Consumption of Caffeine
Caffeine may help relieve headaches when consumed from sources shortly after feeling the headache, including coffee and tea.
Drinking infused herbs
These herbs include the following, bearing in mind that some herbs may interact with certain medications or conditions, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them: Ginger. Chamomile. Dandelion.
Squeezing the thumb
It is the finger associated with your sense of anxiety? Rather, this is the headache finger. So if you feel severe pain in your head, hold the thumb of one of your hands with the fist of your other hand for 5 minutes. Reflexology specialists say this leads to the disappearance of pain.
May all of you be blessed with plentiful health and safety.