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The sunlight of early morning in ‘Stavanger city’ knocks the windows of sleeping eyes to open on lights of a new day. What a blue sky over this peaceful quiet city!
It is like a big flag flutters over it’s land to announce it as peace capital.
Yesterday night didn’t let my eyelids hang down to take a short rest from life play which we play its roles or it plays it’s roles by us!
That was another morning shining and I couldn’t close my eyes to sleep since I use them a lot to read the interiors of things to feel life more true to me.
I locked my house door and the road took me with others, but the difference was that they knew where they were going but I didn’t?! … I found myself in the city center where the meekness lake and a couple of white pelicans; oh…what a pure morning my innocent pelicans !!
A melody slipped into my ears so I turned … to find a saxophone player embracing his tool as if it was his beloved met her after a long absence; and what a melody that was flowing to meet the water of the glittering clear lake and the beauty of pelican which reeling peacefully. The player sent his music that called me to sit humble in front of this beauty of this morning .. As soon as the player went with his melody accompanying the morning light, ideas began to procreated in my mind and none of the walkers stopped to listen to him niether he stopped playing.
People’s moving began to scatter the beauty of the scene; they didn’t pay attention to dewy early mornings or to the harmony of music with the brightness of that morning which increased its beauty.
Nobody threw a coin to the player or stopped to listen to his music except me, that's remembered by another similar scene I had read about a long time ago … when someone stood with his violin in the metro station of Washington and began playing 6 pieces of Johann sebastian bach continued 45 minutes through this time a man stopped for few seconds then kept his running to join the metro after him a woman threw one dollar in the player’s basket and walked without stopping the only one who stopped to listen carefully was a 3-years child suddenly his mother drew him he walked with her turning between a while and another trying to listen to more music before his mother drow him away, like this state others children tried to stop to request more of the beauty of playing to add it to the beauty of their pure souls but hands of their mother were longer and stronger than their short legs.
After 45 minutes passed there were just 6 persons who stopped for a while to listen and another 20 persons threw money in the player’s basket which was $32, and when the player stopped there was silence at the metro station nobody noticed that the player was ‘Joshua Bell’ one of the most famous violin players in the world and he played his most beautiful and famous pieces by a violin it’s value was thousands of dollars. The metro experiment was arranged by the Washington Post newspaper to know if people stop in front of creation and beauty pass through their daily lives.
I didn’t think that all of this was passing through the poor player’s mind while I was sitting next to him for more than 45 minutes comparing the two scenes here in ‘Stavanger’ and that which happened in ‘ Washington’ and there was no big difference except that the saxophone player’s basket still empty despite the beauty of his playing; I threw the money was in my pockets in his box and he didn’t care how much the amount since he was very far from the material world united by his playing with the beauty of time and place. I left him and went asking if we deformed our soul’s beauty by our material life so we don’t see beauty except as a shape without sense!