The man submerged in loneliness,
The man carrying a box on his back that he couldn’t open
The man who plucked the last flower in the forest leisurely, then rested.
The man was followed by a woman in silence, every time he turned around, she disappeared.
The woman who was trying to tell him something, every time she approached his box, he alarmed her and fled with haste.
The man disturbed by constant departures, exhausted by the long road, and killed by curiosity…
lay under a tree and slept. In his dream, he saw the key to the box beneath his left rib. He woke up standing, searching for the woman he was running away from.
The woman who opens all closed boxes, the woman who shed two tears over his body…gazed at him for a long time while he was asleep.
She cast one last glance at him…
Opened the box, and vanished inside it forever.