“Since I was born, I have been a person living instinctively. I thank my parents who instilled noble values in me, but I am very spontaneous overall. My reactions are simple and spontaneous even though I am a man now.”
“I have traveled between many countries and studied more than one specialty, but I am still that child who believes in a life free from the constraints of adults, as long as he does not harm anyone, he will say what he wants and do what he wants.”
“I moved years ago to live in a new neighborhood. The people here are very reserved, but they have many pets: cats, dogs, hamsters, and I’m not exactly sure what else is here. But the best part is that there are children. Children are wonderful; they are energy batteries that recharge you and act as antidotes against depression and sadness, and I consider this one of my greatest blessings in living in this neighborhood.”
“You know, like any spontaneous, childlike person, I love sweets, music, food, children, and animals… etc. The list is definitely long, so whenever I find something like that in our new neighborhood, I interact with it directly. I greet our neighbor Yanika morning and evening, I ask my retired neighbor Tiria about his health news, and I sneak candy into the pockets of the neighborhood kids and sometimes join them in play. I cannot be anything but myself wherever I go or settle.”
“The welcome I received from the adults in the neighborhood was very limited, perhaps because I come from a different culture or because of my spontaneity that the adults do not appreciate. As for the other residents of the neighborhood, and I mean here (the children and pets), my popularity was overwhelming. I set aside part of my food for the neighborhood’s cats and dogs, to the point where they started slipping away from their owners, and I found them waiting for me at my door when I returned from work. Oh, how wonderful that is! Please don’t blame me; I have tried several times to invite their owners for lunch or tea with me, but no one has valued my invitations or accepted them. Only the animals responded to my spontaneity, and we became more than friends. I now have two dogs and three cats that I host from time to time for lunch or snack meals.”
“As for the children, I am with them in a renewed carnival that includes soccer matches, hide and seek, eating sweets, and many activities filled with laughter and innocence.”
“I love my home, I love all the cats and dogs in the neighborhood, and the children here are like my own. I adore them, but whenever I look into the eyes of the adults, I don’t know If their eyes love seeing me, or demand that I should leave.”