Hello my friends
“I’m trying to write today about Medium for the first time, but not in the common way that you have known from others because my presence here is not for the purpose of profit; my earnings from translation and journalism do not compare at all to the profits on this platform, but it remains good for knowledge development and communication.”
“I am now in my third year on Medium and I think I can evaluate some matters and topics that I found, and that is vital for anyone who wants to know how to deal with writing or readers here.”
"The audience is what creates the site."
“The focus of my discussion will be on the platform’s audience, which plays a significant role in encouraging you or continuing your writing. This audience is divided into categories, with more than 60% writing for the purpose of making profits, and that’s fine. Who among us would say ‘no’ if some extra dollars appeared in his account! However, this type of audience expects you to applaud them so that they might take a quick glance at your article. Despite your applause, they may only read the title of your article, so you need to spend long hours on flattery and applause for your article to appear on the first pages of the site. But is that beneficial to you?”
“20% of the audience is also divided between an illogically enthusiastic writer since the first dollar they earned and an arrogant writer who does not value the rights of their audience, as they do not respond to comments and do not bother to answer some questions. We can say they do not interact with the audience at all. Unfortunately, the enthusiastic writer does not last long this way; as soon as they notice that the road is still long ahead of them, they quickly lose their enthusiasm, and their disillusionment increases as they discover these truths.”
“As for the remaining audience of the platform, they are of two categories: the first are just readers who write nothing They are satisfied only with following and enriching their knowledge reserves base, and I have all the appreciation and gratitude for their support; the last category to which I belong, where we write to convey our words and ideas to people and share their experiences for a better understanding of life and ourselves.”
“Look carefully, my writer friend, before you publish on this platform and ask yourself: Who am I writing for? And why am I writing? Answer that, then go ahead with your letters and surely you will flourish.”