True story
“At the end of the eighteenth century, the church still considered any carriage not pulled by horses to be magic and sorcery. I’m not as concerned with sorcery here as much as I am with magic, as I have a colleague at work who doesn’t know how to drive, and I don’t know what kind of magic she practiced with me to convince me to teach her to drive, as I usually don’t like to play the role of a teacher. I always prefer to be the man in the shadows and carry out my roles from afar like an unknown soldier.”
“Please do not expect me to attack the way women drive cars, no never. All studies and statistics have shown that women’s driving is better than men’s, and we, the sons of Adam, cause a greater number of accidents than the daughters of Eve. Men love adventure to a greater extent, while the daughters of Eve practice magic more. Therefore, I unconsciously accepted many details requested by my colleague regarding teaching her to drive. The first was that she does not own a car and asked to use my car for learning, and I said: yes. Second, when she finds the right time, she will call, and we will go out to teach her to drive, I said: yes… Oh my God, what about my time? Why was I saying yes all the time!”
“What I know about the psychological of Eve is that she pays attention to details and can notice the slightest things that are hard for men to notice, while we men have the advantage of having a far-sighted perspective, meaning a strategic view of matters. In other words, the perspectives of both Eve and Adam complement each other; the woman provides you with clarity of details, while you give her your distant vision for the future, and thus the caravan moves on.”
“ Return to my story, my phone rang and it was my colleague asking me to go out now to teach her how to drive, and here, under the influence of her charm, I also responded with a yes! She said: I know your car well since you dropped us off the last time, me and some colleagues, and she gave me a precise description of my car from the inside and jokingly asked if she should wear the same color as my car. I said: the important thing is that you buckle up and don’t drive fast. She laughed and said: I’m waiting for you.”
“We met and I asked her if she had ever driven a car before, she said yes. All I ask of you is to remind me of some traffic rules that I forgot; that would help me perform better in the driving test. I felt reassured by her answer, so she sat behind the steering wheel, started the engine, and we took off. Her driving was reasonable until she started asking me, ‘Are you nervous?’ I said no… ‘Your car is beautiful.’ I replied, ‘Thank you for your kindness.’ She asked again, ‘Are the seats leather or synthetic?’ She kept asking many questions while I was under the influence of her feminine charm. She inquired about many details — details about work, the car, colleagues, and my life. In the midst of questions, answers, and laughter, her focus faded, and I had to snap out of the enchanting effect when a car suddenly appeared speeding out from the side of the road without warning. My colleague didn’t notice it, so she became confused and lost control of the car, causing us to crash into a bridge barrier, destroying the front of my car completely. I thank God we got out unharmed.”
“As usual in this country, the police arrived at rocket speed I don’t know how! They asked me if we were okay, I said yes, thank God, no injuries, just the car was wrecked. The officer asked who was driving the car; my colleague immediately got confused and looked at me with supplication and begging look, so the magic effect returned to me again. I bravely answered the officer, ‘I was the one driving the car, it is my car, and here is my license…’ The officer looked at me firmly and said, ‘The test proves you haven’t consumed alcohol, which is good, but we will issue you a fine of 12,000 crowns, equivalent to 1,200 dollars. If you refuse to pay this amount, you could spend two months in jail.’ I told the officer, ‘That’s a lot, and there was no damage except for my wrecked car; why are you imposing such a fine?’ The officer replied, ‘Look at the bridge’s railing to see that you have caused some damage to public property…’ I looked at the bridge’s railing; nothing was damaged except that the paint color had scratched a little, and does that scratch equal 1,200 dollars!”
“The police officers left after slipping a fine receipt into my hand while I contemplated my crashed car, and my colleague still stared at my face and eyes that used to say I hate police, I hate bridges, but I still love feminine magic.”