Which one of us?”

3 min read5 days ago
photo by the author via AI

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Short daily stories create themselves with small events. usually, I go shopping, or take a walk with my heavy head through the streets, “Just as the streets carry everyone, they also carry a lot to us.”

At times, I find myself caught off guard by the unexpected rain, prompting a swift return to my dwelling. Just as I am about to cross the threshold, a crucial realization dawns on me — I must retrieve the mail. Reversing my steps, I approach the mailbox anew, only to encounter an unanticipated sight: a tiny feline, barely escaping the path of my advancing foot. Blinded by its diminutive stature, I, a non-pet owner, am compelled to halt upon witnessing its woeful state. The creature, soaked to the core and trembling, exhibits signs of hunger and illness. Gently lifting it into my arms, it emits a plaintive meow, as though imploring for the mercy of prolonging its fleeting existence.

I picked it up and brought it into my home, trying everything possible to revive it. The process was challenging until it recovered, and within days, I saw a beautiful cat with honey-colored fur and soft fur seeking warmth between my palms. Oh, my God, this creature captivates me with its weakness, so I gave it much of my time and attention, not knowing why!




Writer, poet, translator, member of international literary associations and activist